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carte obama lol

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carte obama lol Empty carte obama lol

Message  wagner Mer 17 Déc - 16:09

je ne sais pas si cela peut interreser quelqu'un mes regarder cela

Upper Deck Prepares to Release ‘Presidential Lettermen’ Trading Cards of Barack Obama[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B]

Exchange cards inserted in 2008 Upper Deck Icons Football will be good for one of these unique collectibles of President-Elect Obama [/SIZE]

North Las Vegas, NV (November 10, 2008) – With interest in collectibles of President Barack Obama on the rise, Upper Deck has elected to deliver some of the most compelling items to its collecting constituents. On the heels of announcing its special “Presidential Victor” card, Upper Deck is now proud to unveil “Presidential Lettermen” cards of Obama.

carte obama lol 09obamaletter

Exchange cards for a “Presidential Letterman” card were inserted randomly into 2008 Upper Deck Icons Football which released in late August. The cards could be redeemed for whichever candidate who won the election and now – after Obama made political history – collectors who have registered these cards with Upper Deck will be receiving a truly historic collectible.

Collectors who find multiple cards could eventually spell out either “OBAMA” or “PRESIDENT” or both. Since the election, exchange cards have been selling for anywhere from $50 to $100 per card at on-line auction sites. The completed cards should ship out in early January, shortly before Obama is sworn in. Collectors can find 2008 Upper Deck Icons Football in stores now.


Nombre de messages : 100
Age : 30
Localisation : Quebec
Good trade : (48)
Bad trade : (0)
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008

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